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IGVault Methods to Make WoW TBC Classic Gold Early

World of Warcraft TBC is officially out, allowing players to get involved with the game and make their way up to 70. Although, by the end game, there are many different items for gear, and the all-important flying to purchase. Players can expect to spend 5k on epic flying which is a considerably large amount of money for the average player. For those looking to acquire gold for characters, here is how to make gold in TBC Classic.

Auction House

By utilizing the common method, buying low, selling high. Instead of wasting time on doing dailies, it is easier to browse through the Auction House and look for items with little less than average price so you can easily sell them. Be smart about undercutting. Don’t use Auctioneer, a mod will never see the price fluctuations as a real person can.

Check for items like Primals, Shards, Void Crystals, Gems and familiarize yourself with them. Also some common rares. It is ideal to make about 15 - 20 gold on each resell/auction flipping having in mind the Auction House cuts.

Loot everything

Looting may not be the most effective way to farm WoW TBC Classic gold, but it’s still worth it, especially if you loot everything. Many players only loot stuff they need and deem valuable, forgetting the junk and grey items can fetch some extra coin at a vendor or in the auction house. Of course, you won’t be making mind-blowing amounts with each loot, but whatever little gold the unwanted stuff fetch will soon add up.

If crafting items to sell is not your style, gathering can still earn you some gold. You just roam around picking stuff and sell it to players whose profession is crafting, but they lack time to farm the materials needed to level their craft. With new professions like Jewelcrafting, demand for iron ore is pretty high.

There are around a dozen professions in WoW TBC Classic, including blacksmithing, engineering, herbalism, first aid, fishing, jewel crafting, tailoring, mining, enchanting, alchemy, and cooking. They’re not equally lucrative, so you’ll have to pick wisely.

Skinning and jewel crafting make the most gold, but these are pretty expensive to level up. d. Alchemy, mining, tailoring, herbalist, and leatherworking will earn you decent to considerable amounts of gold.


Making gold through professions will include an element of Auction House usage, but not to the extent of using it like we mentioned in the previous section. Instead, when you make gold through professions, you do so by farming materials yourself from the open world and crafting them up before selling them to other players.

The best professions for material farming include Mining and Herbalism (with Fishing serving as a solid secondary choice), as you can mindlessly traverse the world searching for different nodes of ore or herbs to collect and stockpile. Additionally, there are countless guides online that can point you in the direction of optimal routes through zones that you can follow when farming for materials. With the addition of flying mounts in TBC Classic, getting around zones and farming materials is going to be a lot more efficient of a process than it was in Classic.


Running dungeons over and over again can also be a fruitful way to secure some gold in TBC Classic. Mainly, you’ll want to be burning through instances with a lot of enemies like the Slave Pens or Shadow Labyrinth, so that you can ensure you’ll get as much passive gold from enemies as possible. On top of the passive gold that each enemy drops, you’ll be able to pick up some sellable items and gear that can add to your total income per dungeon. Rare boss drops that other players in your groups don’t want to hang on to can be sold for some decent raw gold, while bind-on-equip items can either be sold to vendors or listed on the Auction House for some extra gold.


With our wow classic gold making guide&tips, you will earn more gold, In order to better enjoy the game, buy wow gold classic is the fastest way to get wow currency. Here I recommended to visit with several advantages to buy wow gold or here.

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IGVault Methods to Make WoW TBC Classic Gold Early  :: World of Warcraft TBC is officially out, allowing players to get involved with the game and make the

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